Tell us your Story

healed of gluten intolerance!

When Dr. Ted and Jana Sawchuk were at LifePointe sharing about healing it was a great weekend! That Sunday morning after service I stopped by the store to grab a few things. While going down the cereal isle, I noticed a box of Raisin Bran. I was thinking about how much I would enjoy eating Continue Reading

my diverticulitis was healed!

Last fall I started feeling sick. I wasn’t sure what it was because it was like nothing I had felt before. My doctor thought it was my gallbladder and scheduled an ultrasound but that came back negative-my gallbladder was fine. I continued to feel sick and it was getting worse each day. I had some Continue Reading


I’ve had issues off and on over the last month or so with pressure and congestion in my ears that have affected my hearing as well as causing some vertigo. This past Saturday was the worst. I couldn’t even close my eyes while sitting up in a chair without the room spinning and it was Continue Reading

healed of fatty liver disease

I want to share with you a story of God’s goodness. I had been praying, seeking and fighting my battle for a little over two years. In November of 2018, I went in for a physical to be approved for some life insurance. One of my liver test results, GGT, was higher than normal. The Continue Reading

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Tell us your story

We desire for you to experience the living message of Jesus. We want to fuel that through testimonies. These testimonies are simple accounts of how people have experienced the goodness of Jesus in their daily lives. And as you experience Jesus in a fresh way in your life, you can share your testimony as well. Have a testimony you'd like to share to encourage others?

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