Tell us your Story

melanoma healed!

I have been blessed, healed, and loved by our heavenly father! I was at the doctor’s office in December and they noticed a growth on my face. The doctor said she was concerned about skin cancer, so I had a biopsy. About ten days later the results came back and it was melanoma. My doctor Continue Reading

my knee and shoulder are healed

About 9 years ago I started to have joint pain in my knees due to the amount of hiking and running I was doing at the time. Then 3 years ago I over-worked my right shoulder which led to a very similar injury. After talking to a couple doctors, the only option I had to Continue Reading

sciatic pain healed

I can’t say that I have many significant times that stand out to me of clear healings, but earlier this year, I experienced a big one! During my pregnancy in 2019, I had some terrible sciatic nerve pain to the point where it felt debilitating to even walk much. Our son was born about a Continue Reading

only the beginning

I am the Prodigal Son. I was born, dedicated, baptized, confirmed – the whole nine yards into the Lutheran Church. At church things appeared good. At home was a different story. My dad was violent, and my mom not really knowing what she could do, did nothing. At the age of 3 my sister came Continue Reading

Tell us your story

We desire for you to experience the living message of Jesus. We want to fuel that through testimonies. These testimonies are simple accounts of how people have experienced the goodness of Jesus in their daily lives. And as you experience Jesus in a fresh way in your life, you can share your testimony as well. Have a testimony you'd like to share to encourage others?

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