Tell us your Story

live the message!

LIVE THE MESSAGE is our church’s current motto. The idea behind it is to live our lives as Christians so that Sunday morning flows seemlessly into just as much faith, grace, and joy on Monday morning. LIVE THE MESS …is often where we honestly find ourselves. As a stay-at-home mom, I’m all too familiar with Continue Reading

healing at walmart

My friend and I were at Walmart, asking the Lord if there was anyone we could pray for or be a blessing to, and we saw this woman in a wheelchair. We decided to go over and help her, as she was trying to reach things on the top shelf. As we started talking, I Continue Reading

an encouraging word from the lord

Several weeks ago a series  of events led me to reach out to friends who have been overseas for nearly 30 years as missionaries. We have not talked in quite some time and as a result of some events taking place here in the U.S. felt they needed to hear from me.  We talked for Continue Reading

Physical and financial miracle

In April of this year I found out that I had a tumor in my stomach that needed to be removed. Then after the surgery I had to stay in the hospital for five days to recover. Praise God that the tumor was non-cancerous! My husband and I started to prepare ourselves for the bill Continue Reading

Tell us your story

We desire for you to experience the living message of Jesus. We want to fuel that through testimonies. These testimonies are simple accounts of how people have experienced the goodness of Jesus in their daily lives. And as you experience Jesus in a fresh way in your life, you can share your testimony as well. Have a testimony you'd like to share to encourage others?

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