Tell us your Story

Shoulder healed

26 days ago I was kayaking with my children on a very windy day. We were having trouble controlling the kayak, and it capsized twice. I tried to pull the waterlogged kayak back up on the dock, and I was not strong enough. I kept trying to pull it up out of the water to Continue Reading


One of our member’s sons had had stroke symptoms and was rushed to the hospital. They began doing tests and we began praying as a church. The next morning he woke up and said, “I don’t remember the last time I felt this good.” They released him from the hospital later that morning.

Miracle baby

baby boy was born to parents who were encouraged to terminate the pregnancy weeks prior. They were told his lungs were under-developed and his life would either be short-lived or miserable. He was born early but with two fully-functioning lungs and a heart that they did a small operation on in-utero. A couple weeks after Continue Reading


A friend of mine has four boys and is pregnant with a girl. She had been praying for a girl for some time now, and had recently found out that there may be complications. The child was not developing as it should, given the time of the pregnancy. I was able to pray with her Continue Reading

Tell us your story

We desire for you to experience the living message of Jesus. We want to fuel that through testimonies. These testimonies are simple accounts of how people have experienced the goodness of Jesus in their daily lives. And as you experience Jesus in a fresh way in your life, you can share your testimony as well. Have a testimony you'd like to share to encourage others?

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